Integracja różnych systemów transportu zbiorowego poprzez rozbudowę węzłów przesiadkowych w województwie łódzkim

Europejskie Fundusze Program Regionalny
Ostrów Wielkopolski
Unia Europejska Europejskie Fundusze Strukturalne i Inwestycyjne


Remember that your account is active only at the time when it is topped up with a minimum of 10 PLN on the account or the moment the credit card is linked to it


Type of chargesGross value
Initial fee20 PLN
Minimum amount which entitles for bike rental10 PLN
Payment for bike rental

Fees sum up.

Duration of rental
from 1 to 20 minutes0 PLN
Initial hour of rental (21-60 minutes)1 PLN
Second hour of rental (61-120 minutes)3 PLN
Third hour and each subsequent hour5 PLN
Leaving a bike outside of a station5 PLN
Leaving a bike outside of the functioning zone of the system200 PLN
Payment for exceeding the 12 hour limit of rental200 PLN


Additional fee
Penalties Theft, loss or damage of a bike

2200 PLN

Fees specified in the table are VAT tax inclusive


Contact with us

Call Center:+48 42 214 40 00

Open 24/7, cost according to operators' tariffs

complaint and requests
[email protected]
